
Used for NickServ, ChanServ, etc.

  • SQLite Local file sqlite_local
  • Cloudflare D1
  • Firebase
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL

The passwords should probs be encrypted by the bcrypt module, you can give me a suggestion for a diff module if you want
I believe the structure of the table should be:
Nickserv table:

Account (First nick) Modes Password (Encrypted) Cloak
test iw hashed password user/test

Chanserv table:

Channel name Modes Mode params Owner User auto-modes User modes2
#foo n (none) owner owner +o goodguy v

(usermodes2 means the person with the mode can use the chanserv command to give themself that mode)

EDIT: Grouped nicknames should be in a separate table.

Nickname Owner of nickname
foo test

SQLite 3 via local file is now an extension sqlite_local